# Extensions Library
This extension library provides a set of ready to use examples you can add to Virtuoso with a single click.
There is no coding necessary to use any of these extensions, but if you are a developer, you can view the source of each extension and even customize them further or use them as base for making your own extensions.
# Available extensions:
- Making API calls:
- Get computed style
- Generate Random Data
- Get query parameter value by name
- Drag and Drop
- View PDF files
- Validate that images have alt attributes for accessibility
- Get accessibility violations
- Print HTML content
- Get and parse XLS sheets
- OTP Authenticator (2FA)
- Wait for element attribute
- Wait for element to disappear
- Set the value of an input element
# Making API calls
You can make API calls in Virtuoso by relying on the underlying XHR capabilities of the browser.
Note that in some cases you may wish to disable the Enforce same-origin policy
option in your goals' advanced settings, in order to avoid cross-origin issues.
API management capabilities in Virtuoso
Note that most of the use cases below which were designed to call APIs in extensions can now be achieved with Virtuoso's API management.
In this section, we provide examples for making API calls using Virtuoso extensions.
# Make GET call
You can make GET
REST API calls, by simply calling the extension API_GET
, and supplying the URL as the parameter (you can include any query parameters on the URL as well).
API_GET("https://reqres.in/api/users?page=2") returning $data
assert $data.page equals "2"
# Make POST call
You can make POST
REST API calls, by simply calling the extension API_POST
, supplying the URL as the parameter, and the body of the post request.
API_POST ("https://reqres.in/api/users", '{"name":"Virtuoso", "job":"Intelligent Quality Assistant"}') returning $data
Assert $data.name equals "Virtuoso"
You can even construct the request body JSON using the store command:
Store value "Virtuoso" in $request.name
Store value "Intelligent Quality Assistant" in $request.job
API_POST ("https://reqres.in/api/users", $request) returning $data
Assert $data.name equals "Virtuoso"
# Make PUT call
You can make PUT
REST API calls, by simply calling the extension API_PUT
, supplying the URL as the parameter, and the body of the put request.
API_PUT ("https://reqres.in/api/users/2", '{"first_name":"John"}') returning $data
Assert $data.first_name equals "John"
You can even construct the request body JSON using the store command:
Store value "John" in $request.first_name
Store value "read" in $request.access
API_PUT ("https://reqres.in/api/users/2", $request) returning $data
Assert $data.first_name equals "John"
# Make DELETE call
You can make DELETE
REST API calls, by simply calling the extension API_DELETE
, and supplying the URL as the parameter.
API_DELETE ("https://reqres.in/api/users/2") returning $data
Delete operation responses
Note that a success delete operation usually returns an empty response with 204
as status code, if the status code differs from 2xx
, the test would fail.
# Advanced API calls
Some APIs require specific parameters to be passed on the request headers (e.g., authentication, content type, etc).
To support this, all above API extensions have an additional optional headers
parameter to support this.
Content type example
store value '{"content-type":"multipart/form-data"}' in $contentTypeHeader
API_POST ("https://reqres.in/api/users", '{"name":"Virtuoso", "job":"Intelligent Quality Assistant"}', $contentTypeHeader) returning $data
Header authentication example (authentication token stored in $token variable)
store value ${'Bearer ' + $token} in $authenticationHeader.Authorization
API_POST ("https://reqres.in/api/users", '{"name":"Virtuoso", "job":"Intelligent Quality Assistant"}', $authenticationHeader) returning $data
# Get computed style
This extension can be used to extract specific computed style values of an element. It can be used with XPath selectors or CSS selectors.
// XPath selector
getComputedStyle("//*[@id='gbw']/div/div[2]", "font-size") returning $fontSize
Assert $fontSize equals "13px"
// CSS selector
getComputedStyle("#gbw > div > div:nth-child(2)", "font-family") returning $fontFamily
Assert $fontFamily equals "arial, sans-serif"
# Generate Random Data
This extension enables you to generate random data on demand using the Faker.js library.
You can use various data types, as documented below:
- address
- zipCode
- zipCodeByState
- city
- cityPrefix
- citySuffix
- cityName
- streetName
- streetAddress
- streetSuffix
- streetPrefix
- secondaryAddress
- county
- country
- countryCode
- state
- stateAbbr
- latitude
- longitude
- direction
- cardinalDirection
- ordinalDirection
- nearbyGPSCoordinate
- timeZone
- animal
- dog
- cat
- snake
- bear
- lion
- cetacean
- horse
- bird
- cow
- fish
- crocodilia
- insect
- rabbit
- type
- commerce
- color
- department
- productName
- price
- productAdjective
- productMaterial
- product
- productDescription
- company
- suffixes
- companyName
- companySuffix
- catchPhrase
- bs
- catchPhraseAdjective
- catchPhraseDescriptor
- catchPhraseNoun
- bsAdjective
- bsBuzz
- bsNoun
- database
- column
- type
- collation
- engine
- datatype
- number
- float
- datetime
- string
- uuid
- boolean
- hexaDecimal
- json
- array
- date
- past
- future
- between
- betweens
- recent
- soon
- month
- weekday
- fake
- finance
- account
- accountName
- routingNumber
- mask
- amount
- transactionType
- currencyCode
- currencyName
- currencySymbol
- bitcoinAddress
- litecoinAddress
- creditCardNumber
- creditCardCVV
- ethereumAddress
- iban
- bic
- transactionDescription
- git
- branch
- commitEntry
- commitMessage
- commitSha
- shortSha
- hacker
- abbreviation
- adjective
- noun
- verb
- ingverb
- phrase
- helpers
- randomize
- slugify
- replaceSymbolWithNumber
- replaceSymbols
- replaceCreditCardSymbols
- repeatString
- regexpStyleStringParse
- shuffle
- mustache
- createCard
- contextualCard
- userCard
- createTransaction
- image
- image
- avatar
- imageUrl
- abstract
- animals
- business
- cats
- city
- food
- nightlife
- fashion
- people
- nature
- sports
- technics
- transport
- dataUri
- lorempixel
- unsplash
- lorempicsum
- internet
- avatar
- exampleEmail
- userName
- protocol
- httpMethod
- url
- domainName
- domainSuffix
- domainWord
- ip
- ipv6
- port
- userAgent
- color
- mac
- password
- lorem
- word
- words
- sentence
- slug
- sentences
- paragraph
- paragraphs
- text
- lines
- mersenne
- rand
- seed
- seed_array
- music
- genre
- name
- firstName
- lastName
- middleName
- findName
- jobTitle
- gender
- prefix
- suffix
- title
- jobDescriptor
- jobArea
- jobType
- phone
- phoneNumber
- phoneNumberFormat
- phoneFormats
- random
- number
- float
- arrayElement
- arrayElements
- objectElement
- uuid
- boolean
- word
- words
- image
- locale
- alpha
- alphaNumeric
- hexaDecimal
- system
- fileName
- commonFileName
- mimeType
- commonFileType
- commonFileExt
- fileType
- fileExt
- directoryPath
- filePath
- semver
- time
- recent
- unique
- vehicle
- vehicle
- manufacturer
- model
- type
- fuel
- vin
- color
- vrm
- bicycle
generateRandom("{{name.firstName}} {{name.lastName}}") returning $fullName
generateRandom("{{address.city}}") returning $randomCity
generateRandom("{{lorem.sentence}}") returning $loremIpsum
generateRandom("{{random.number}}") returning $randomNumber
generateRandom("{{datatype.uuid}}") returning $randomUuid
The version of the Faker.js library used in this extension is not the latest available, but one that is compatible with the browser environment, as explained in Using external libraries. If you need a more recent version, you can modify the extension by using a different resource.
# Get query parameter value by name
This extension receives a query parameter name and returns its value. Let's say we are testing an action on the application that should update a query parameter, with this extension we can assert the action is updating the query parameter adding two simple steps after doing the action.
Example usage:
navigate to "https://www.google.com/?source=hp"
getQueryParameterByName("source") returning $param
assert $param equals "hp"
In the above example, on line two, this extension extracts the value of source
from the current URL and stores it in a variable named $param
, so we can use it later, for example, for asserting its value like in line three.
# Drag and Drop
Although Virtuoso supports drag and drop (using mouse over "from"
then mouse drag to "target"
), in few special cases of HTML5 drag and drop implementations, the events fired from browser automation on Virtuoso may not trigger the events the page is expecting.
In these circumstances, you can use this extension to overcome the limitation.
Example using selectors:
dragAndDrop(".from.selector", "#to.selector")
Example using stored elements:
store element details of "Element to drag from" in $from
store element details of "Element to drop to" in $to
dragAndDrop($from, $to)
# View PDF files
Extensions are very powerful and can perform complex functionality. An example of a complex extension is one which opens a PDF file in the web browser, so that you can see its content and perform assertions.
If the PDF file is not available as a public link, the first step is to download the PDF file in a test step; for example by clicking on it:
click "Download PDF"
Navigate to "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/virtuoso-downloaded-files/test.html"
see "Some text on the PDF"
Download file in new tab
As a limitation of our PDF download feature, PDF files opened in a new tab will cause the test step to time out. If possible, trying downloading the file in the current tab (e.g., by removing target="_blank"
of a link) or explicitly mark the link as a download (e.g., by appending download='somepdf.pdf'
to the anchor tag).
If the PDF file is available as a public link (e.g., doesn't require a download), first navigate to the same host as the one showing the PDF (e.g., navigate to "https://test.virtuoso.qa"
if the file is on https://test.virtuoso.qa/path/file.pdf
Navigate to "https://test.virtuoso.qa"
see "Some text on the PDF"
# Validate that images have alt attributes for accessibility
The W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) require that a text alternative should be provided for non-text content unless it is for decoration or formatting. This extension checks that images have an appropriate description for screen readers. If an image does not have an alt text attribute it will be highlighted red on the page and the step will fail. Compliant images will be highlighted with a green border.
Example usage:
Navigate to "https://test.virtuoso.qa"
# Get accessibility violations
You can fetch the set of accessibility violations on your page (if any) by using the Axe library in your journeys.
Using the extension, you add a test step to collect the violations detected into a variable, which you can then review as part of the side effects, or to add further validations based on them, e.g., to make sure they don't contain a specific violation, or that there are no violations.
Example usage:
getAxeViolations returning $violations
// check that there are no violations
assert ${ $violations.length } equals "0"
# Print HTML content
Use this extension when you need to render some valid HTML string into the document.
(required), the valid HTML string you wish to render;elementId
(optional), you can customize the element ID of the container where your content will be rendered (e.g., to select that element later easily).
store value "<div>Test</div>" in $html
look for "Test"
WriteHTML($html, "customId")
store element details of "customId"
Note this extension will modify the DOM of your application (during the test session), if you want a blank page to do your tests, you can add this step before using the extension:
navigate to "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/virtuoso-downloaded-files/test.html"
# Get and parse XLS sheets
Use this extension to download and parse any XLS sheet to make assertions later on your journey.
(required), the URL of the XLS file;sheetName
(optional), the sheet name that should be retrieved (if not provided it will return the first sheet);toHtml
(optional), if provided it will return the parsed content as a valid HTML string (e.g., to render it later).
Example returning JSON:
navigate to "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/virtuoso-downloaded-files/test.html"
getAndParseXLS("url") returning $json
assert $json[0].Name equals "John"
getAndParseXLS("url", "another-sheet") returning $json
assert $json[3].Value equals "100"
Combining this extension with Print HTML content extension you can print the representation of the sheet as a webpage:
navigate to "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/virtuoso-downloaded-files/test.html"
getAndParseXLS("url", "sheetName", "true") returning $html
look for "John"
# OTP Authenticator (2FA)
Many modern applications use the TOTP algorithm as part of 2FA/MFA login flows. This extension enables you to produce the same token that an authenticator app would produce (by default 6-digit tokens).
(required), key to generate OTP (this is secret query parameter in Key Uri Format) if you were presented with a QR code, this equates to the string value of the QR code);
OTP_Authenticator("lojbhofkt6rzchu7jt25hy62s7vunuu5l5dtwy5pbqrsevft366us5xu") returning $token;
Alternatively you can use environment sensitive variables to store the OTP key and then pass it to the extension:
OTP_Authenticator($otpKey) returning $token;
Using different hash algorithms
The extension generates tokens using the SHA1 hash algorithm, which is the default in most cases. If you need to use a different hash algorithm (e.g., SHA256), you can modify the extension by uncommenting the group of the desired hash.
If you make changes, we recommend renaming the extension to reflect those changes. This will improve the visibility of the algorithm used on your tests (especially in cases where you need to use more than one version of the extension).
# Wait for element attribute
In dynamic applications, sometimes you need to wait until an element attribute has changed to a desired value (or been removed). For example, you want to make sure that after you click a button, it becomes "disabled" (e.g., it'll have a disabled attribute). This extension helps you easily achieve this.
(required), the target element of this operation, which you either stored from the page (usingstore element details of ... in $element
), or an xpath/css selector string (e.g.,#foo .bar
(required), valid HTML attribute of a supplied element you wish to add a wait;value
(required), string value to match the attribute's value, the valuenull
means to wait for the attribute to be removed;
store element details of "Element whose attribute to wait for" in $element
waitForElementAttribute($element, "target", "_blank");
Expecting an attribute to became null:
store element details of "Element whose attribute to wait for" in $element
waitForElementAttribute($element, "target", "null");
# Wait for element to disappear
As part of your testing, you may wish for an element to disappear from the page before you continue (e.g., a loading bar). This extension allows you to waits up to the maximum timeout of an extension (1 minute) for an element to disappear.
(required), the target element of this operation, which can be stored from the page (usingstore element details of ... in $element
store element details of "Element that will disappear" in $element
# Remove the "target" attribute from an element
In some cases, opening links in a new tab crashes the automation driver due to upstream problems on it (e.g., when opening a PDF in a new tab). These can be solved by removing the target
property of the link, triggering the download in the same window.
(required), the target element of this operation which you stored from the page (usingstore element details of ... in $linkElement
Example usage:
Store element details of "Open new tab" in $linkElement
# Set the value of an input
While constructing a journey you may face fields that are not updating as expected when interacted with NLP commands, specially when using crossbrowser devices. For example, you used write with an input field but the submit button stays disabled.
When this happens you can store the element details of the input you want to directly set the value, and use this extension to perform that action and trigger any page reactivity associated to that input.
(required), the element to modify, stored into a variable by using a step beforehand:store element details of "element hint" in $elementVariable
(required), the desired contents of the element'svalue
field, e.g."#00FF00"
for color pickers.
Example usage:
Store element details of "html5colorpicker" in $picker
setValue($picker, "#00FF00")