# Overview

This guide describes the core concepts and how to use Virtuoso. At any time, you can use the left-hand side menu to navigate to various sections of this guide, or use the search at the top.

# What is Virtuoso?

Virtuoso is the world's most advanced and intuitive end-to-end automation platform for web applications. The platform enables you to significantly improve your software quality, while at the same time reducing the amount of manual effort required to test your web application.

Test creators can describe their tests in natural language and focus on what end users see rather than on complex page structures and selectors. While creators author their tests, Virtuoso understands the context of your web application and offers test creators real-time feedback each step of the way. This is the ultimate tool to boost test creators' performance and confidence that each test will work exactly as they intend. We call this Live Authoring, and it’s revolutionizing automated test case authoring.

Virtuoso also moves the needle in terms of test maintenance, which has historically been the main challenge in scaling up test automation. We leverage our smart element identification engine and self-healing to ensure your tests continue to execute normally, even if obscure identifiers in your page object model change.

Tests can be executed using Virtuoso’s highly scalable execution grid just by hitting a button, scheduling a planned execution, or triggering it from your CI/CD pipeline. There is zero infrastructure setup required, and everything is ready for you in our cloud the moment you sign up for Virtuoso. All this with the option to execute in all modern combinations of operating systems, devices, and browsers.

But execution is just a means to an end: getting results and insights into the quality of the software you are testing. To help you diagnose and drill down into execution findings, Virtuoso offers Root Cause Analysis, surfacing a variety of data points about your application for each test step. These include, for example, screenshots of your web app, performance metrics, network traffic, or console logs.

With Virtuoso, organizations can manage large collections of reusable elements that further accelerate large-scale testing, leverage data and APIs to expand coverage and further expand test depth, schedule complex execution strategies, and manage multiple execution environments. These are critical elements to highly scalable, high-impact test automation initiatives.

Finally, you can also extend Virtuoso to make it your own by extending built-in natural language actions with Extensions, tapping into our API, building a Virtuoso App, and, of course, running your tests from your CI/CD pipeline.

In the next section, we will look at the Core concepts of Virtuoso.

Last Updated: 10/6/2023, 8:38:40 AM