# Reusing steps with library checkpoints

You might find yourself writing the same steps over and over again in new goals in the same project. Library checkpoints allow you to save these common sequences and reuse them whenever and wherever you like.

Like shared checkpoints, library checkpoints can be imported at any point in your journey. Unlike shared checkpoints, they are not limited to a single-use in each journey, and are shared across your entire project.


Unlike shared and regular checkpoints, library checkpoints exist outside of the current version control system. Once a library checkpoint is changed, new executions of previous journey versions will also use the new library checkpoint version.

Library checkpoints are really useful if you have your tests organized into multiple goals. This centralizes your maintenance instead of requiring you to manually copy changes between goals. You, therefore, get absolute reusability.

# Creating a library checkpoint

To create a library checkpoint, use the context menu of a checkpoint to add your checkpoint to the library. Your library checkpoint will replace the original checkpoint automatically.

Add to checkpoint library menu option

You can also use the icon in the toolbar after selecting a checkpoint to add it to the library:

Add to checkpoint library toolbar icon

Once a checkpoint is made a library checkpoint it will be differentiated with a purple border and a library icon on the checkpoint along with a lock:

Library checkpoint visual representation

# Managing library checkpoints

To check what checkpoints you already added to the library, you can head to the library checkpoint view. To access it, go to the project dashboard and then click on the Library checkpoints tab.

The tab displays a list of all the library checkpoints in your project. You can use the search box at the top to filter the results.

Library checkpoints

Each row in the list shows the name of the library checkpoint and other useful information such as the number of journeys that use the library checkpoint, as well as the last person who edited it (or the creator if there were no updates).

Clicking on a library checkpoint opens a side panel that displays detailed information about that checkpoint, including the goals and journeys that use it (with links to each journey), as well as the content of the library checkpoint itself (the test steps).

Goals and journeys using library checkpoint

About library checkpoint content edition

Please note that editing library checkpoints directly from the dashboard is currently not supported. You need to unlock the library checkpoint within a journey where it's used and edit it there. Refer to Making changes to a library checkpoint section for more information.

# Converting a shared checkpoint into a library checkpoint

A shared checkpoint can be converted into a library checkpoint by adding any of the instances to the library. This will make all the instances of the shared checkpoints into a library checkpoint, which can then be used in other goals within the project.

# Reusing a library checkpoint

The bottom of the journey shows two buttons that allow you to add checkpoints to it. You can also see the same options by clicking the 'Add checkpoint' button that appears when you hover the area between two existing checkpoints:

Add checkpoint to journey options

Choose 'Add library checkpoint' and a list of your library checkpoints will be shown:

List of existing library checkpoints to add

  • Click the chevron icon to expand a library checkpoint entry and view its test steps.
  • Use the search box to find a specific library checkpoint by name.
  • Use the dropdown menu to sort the list alphabetically, by date, or by the number of journeys using them.
  • Add multiple library checkpoints in a row by selecting one from the list after adding the first.

# Removing library checkpoints from a journey

Like other checkpoints, library checkpoints can be removed from the journey using the delete option in the toolbar, or from the context menu. Unlike standalone checkpoints, library checkpoints are not automatically removed if they are no longer referenced, so even if you remove a library checkpoint from all of your journeys, you can add it back at any time.

Remove from journey menu option

# Making changes to a library checkpoint

Library checkpoints are locked by default to prevent accidental changes. This is because they could be shared in many places, and changes to the library checkpoint will be propagated to every journey that uses them.

Take care! Other users may be depending on a library checkpoint, so if you make changes, be sure to check that the other journeys aren't affected. You can see how many other journeys are using the library checkpoint by hovering over the library checkpoint icon.

Tooltip informing how many other journeys are using a library checkpoint

To make a change to a library checkpoint, first make sure that it is unlocked. Clicking the padlock icon Padlock icon will show a confirmation message before unlocking the checkpoint.

Confirmation message before unlocking library checkpoint

Once unlocked, you can make changes to the checkpoint as if it were any other checkpoint. The lock icon and border turn blue to indicate that changes can be made:

Editable library checkpoint visual representation

After you have made your edits, click the unlocked padlock to lock the checkpoint again.

Note: The lock is only local to your session; other users may make changes to the same checkpoint at the same time. Be sure to check with your colleagues if you are both working on the same library checkpoint.

# Converting a library checkpoint back to a standalone checkpoint

You may need to make a new version of a library checkpoint without affecting existing journeys. You can do this by detaching the library checkpoint by using the context menu and selecting 'Detach library checkpoint' or clicking on the library icon on the checkpoint itself. This will leave the library checkpoint in the library and replace it in your journey with a unique copy that is detached from the library.

Detach library checkpoint menu option

You can then make changes to this checkpoint without them affecting other journeys. If you then wish to share these changes, you can convert the checkpoint back to a library checkpoint (but note that its name must be changed first!).

# Running journeys with library checkpoints

Your journeys run as normal with library checkpoints and you don't need to do anything else to run journeys that contain them.

# Healing

As library checkpoints can be shared between different goals, automatic healing is not applied to library checkpoints. This is to prevent a journey running in one goal negatively impacting the other. Healing is still enabled for standalone checkpoints (unless it has been disabled for the steps).

# Making the most of library checkpoints

Maintaining a good library is key to success with library checkpoints. We recommend keeping library checkpoints small so that they can be used more widely - the more specific a library checkpoint is the less likely it will be useful in another journey.

When choosing to reuse a library checkpoint, be sure that it works for your purpose, and be considerate if you need to change it to meet your needs - if your changes alter the way the checkpoint runs elsewhere this could cause issues. If you are uncertain, you can always detach the library checkpoint to ensure your changes don't impact anybody else. After detaching a checkpoint, you can add that version to the library when you're ready too, without it impacting the original users of the library checkpoint it's based on.

In your journeys you may make use of variables from test data or from the "store" command. For example, you might generate a random username, store it in a variable, and then use it to sign up in your application, then login.

Any variables defined before the library checkpoint will be available to it. Library checkpoints may also set variables too. This allows you to create library checkpoints that accept variables: for example, you can create a library checkpoint that logs in using the variables $email and $password so you do not need to hard-code them in the library checkpoint.

As your library belongs to your project and not just your goal, naming your library Checkpoints carefully is important. Choose names that make it clear what effect the library checkpoint will have, for example, "Login to internal portal with test user credentials" makes it clear what application, page, and data the checkpoint uses.

If a library checkpoint that does what you need already exists, use it! If your library contains multiple checkpoints with similar names and steps, it will be hard for other users to make the right choice, and difficult to maintain. Consider using variables to make your library checkpoints more adaptable, but if you need multiple, similar alternatives, ensure they're named clearly.

The shared first checkpoint of the journey is automatically added by Virtuoso and cannot be made a library checkpoint. This is to ensure that your goal's properties (like starting URL) don't accidentally fall out of sync with the steps in your journey. If you would like to use a library checkpoint to start your journey, you can add it immediately after the first checkpoint, then use the "New journey from here" button to automatically populate new journeys with it.

Last Updated: 5/7/2024, 9:58:28 AM