# Quotas and thresholds

In this page we present the platform limits which you should be aware of. These upper thresholds
represent the maximum allowed values and aim to ensure a fair use of the resources provided by

Adjustable service quotas

For service quotas which are marked as adjustable, if you have a testing need which requires increasing the quota, please contact our customer success team with your use-case and desired quota.

If an item is not adjustable, that is because it is in-place for platform protection and to ensure a fair use of resources in Virtuoso.

Denial-of-Service (DoS) Protection Notice

To prevent Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks to our API endpoints, if you make more than 500 requests within a one-minute period, you will be temporarily blocked. The block will last for one minute.

# Organization

Item Value Adjustable
Bridges active 50 Yes
Created apps 50 No
Installed apps 10 Yes
Members 500 Yes
Organization level extensions 1000 No
Projects active 500 Yes
Teams 100 No
Parallel executions 125 Yes

# User

Item Value Adjustable
Tokens active 50 No

# Invitation

Item Value Adjustable
Message (kB) 512 No

# Projects

Item Value Adjustable
API definitions 1000 No
Environments 20 No
Files as environment variables 50 Yes
Extensions 1000 No
Flows 100 Yes
Goals active 200 No
Jobs active 100 No
Journeys 5000 No
Members 500 No
Requirements 500 No
Plans 100 No
Plans scheduled 10 Yes
Tags 500 No
Test data tables 100 No
Tickets active 1000 No
Webhooks 20 No

# Goals

Item Value Adjustable
Checkpoints 500 No
Journeys 150 No
Resolution (thousand px) 8295 No
Snapshots 1000 No
Import file size (MB) 8 No

# Requirements

Item Value Adjustable
Description length (kB) 1024 No
Name length (characters) 255 No

# Environments

Item Value Adjustable
Variables 500 No

Files as variables

The threshold above applies to any variable type. There is also a project level threshold that is specific to files as environment variables that also applies.

# Environment Variables

Item Value Adjustable
Name size (characters) 255 No
Size (kB) 1024 No
File Size (kB) 2048 No

# Execution request

Item Value Adjustable
Journeys 250 No
Parallel jobs 125 No
Parallel jobs (per bridge client) 10 No
Parallel jobs with custom devices 4 No

Custom devices parallelism

The threshold above for custom devices is applied only when using the default grid provided by Virtuoso.

If you bring your own cross-browser grid to Virtuoso the threshold will be the limits defined on the account you setup.

# Journeys

Item Value Adjustable
Checkpoints 250 No
Duration (minutes): maximum runtime of a single journey 60 No
Download file size (MB) 20 No
Steps 1000 No

# Steps

Item Value Adjustable
Comment length (characters) 500 No
Inline script (kb) 64 No
Metadata (kb) 100 No
Selectors 15 No
Upload file size (MB) 8 No

# Plans

Item Value Adjustable
Browser configs 6 Yes
Journey executions 250 No

# Elements

Item Value Adjustable
Meta size (kB) 100 No

# State

Item Value Adjustable
Discovery object size (kB) 10240 No
Request captures 200 No
Console logs 800 No

# Extension

Item Value Adjustable
Size (kB) 64 No

# Test Data Table

Item Value Adjustable
Column name length (characters) 255 No
Rows 250 No
Columns 500 No
Value size (kb) 64 No
AI generated rows (creation) 15 No
AI generated columns (creation) 5 No

# Timeline

Item Value Adjustable
Comment length (characters) 500 No

# Tickets

Item Value Adjustable
Associations active per ticket 50 No
Ticket projects per installation 100 No
Ticket types per ticket project 20 No

# Flow

Item Value Adjustable
Subsequent journey executions 20 No

# APIs

Item Value Adjustable
API call timeout 29 seconds No
Last Updated: 6/21/2024, 3:45:27 PM