# Quick start

To assist you in using Virtuoso, this section will give an overview of the main components, the Organization dashboard and the Project dashboard. At the end of this page, there are several Tutorials covering the main tasks available in Virtuoso.

# Organization dashboard

Organization dashboard

After logging in to Virtuoso, you are presented with the organization dashboard, in which you can view or manage various aspects of your organization (e.g., usage, apps, team and member management, and settings). More importantly, in this dashboard you can create new projects and access existing projects you have access to.

In case a user is associated to multiple organizations, it is possible to switch between them, by selecting the organization in the dropdown as depicted below.

Organization dashboard

# Project dashboard

Project dashboard

To access this dashboard look for the icon on the left sidebar and click on it.

In this guide you will learn about the parts that compose the project dashboard:

  1. Overview
  2. Tags

This page presents an overview of the Project shared with you. Here you can find an overall look at how your goals are doing, information about your execution plans as well as other project-level settings such as tags, webhooks, and sharing actions.

# Overview

If you have created an execution plan, then you can view a summary of these plans at the top of this screen. The summary provides information such as the last execution status and the next scheduled execution time.

Project dashboard overview - Execution plans

You can open the respective plan editor by clicking on the name, and the execution page by clicking on the last execution status.

Below the execution plans section, there is a summary of your goals showing various statistics about each goal. You can filter the information presented using the controls on top of the section.

Project dashboard overview - Goals

The top part of the goals has a context menu where you can import a goal, perform batch actions with your goals such as executing all or selected goals, and sorting all goals using a different criteria.

On the right side, you can switch from Active to Archived to review or restore archived goals, use the date picker to limit the information shown by the charts of each goal card, and search goals by typing part of their name in Search goals.

You can create a new goal by clicking the New goal button, which opens the goal creation page.

# Goal cards

Project dashboard overview - Goal card

Clicking on the goal name on top of the card leads you to the goal view (see Authoring your goal) for that specific goal;

On the top right of the card there is a context menu (look for icon ) and clicking on:

  • Execute launches an execution of all journeys in the goal's latest version;
  • Execute advanced... shows a modal to change some settings of the goal before launching the execution and those settings will be applied only for that specific execution;
  • View goal activity redirects you to the Jobs activity dashboard of the goal applying a filter for this specific goal;
  • Edit settings opens the goal's configuration page;
  • Fork makes a full copy of the existing version into a new goal;
  • Archive sets the goal has archived and hiding it from being listed as an Active goal;
  • Export to Selenium exports the journeys from the goal in a Selenium compatible format;
  • Import / Export shows a modal to export the goal in JSON format or to import an existing JSON goal file.

The charts give information about the health of the goal's tests in the currently selected date range presenting an aggregation of the last executions, and the journeys' state as of today. By clicking the individual status items of the charts' legends you'll be taken to the jobs activity dashboard or journeys dashboard, prefiltered for the corresponding goal and clicked status.

If the organization has installed apps and these have set up app links for a goal, they will show up near the bottom of the goal card.

Lastly, at the bottom, you have a summary of the last executed job for that goal. Clicking on the status will open the job page (i.e., the execution report).

Archiving goals targeted by execution plans

Archiving a goal that is included in an execution plan target will cause that target to be deleted from the plan.

If the plan is left without any valid targets, it will not be executable until new targets are added to it.

# Tags

Tags can help you to categorize your tests and their execution results, and allow you to find specific journeys and jobs quickly using the tag filters.

To access to the project tags page, click on Tabs on the top part of the project dashboard.

Project dashboard tags - Tag manager

At the top of this page, there is a search box to filter tags by name, and on the top right, there is a button to create new tags. Each tag can use a different color, has a unique name and an optional description.

Project dashboard tags - Tag create

To add tags to a journey, visit the goal view page (see Authoring your goal) and use a journey's context menu.

You can also add tags to a job using the job activity dashboard. Expand a job from the list and type the tag you want to add in Add tag. If the tag does not exist, it is created for you.

Alternatively you can add tags to an execution before the job runs by choosing the Execute advanced... option and filling the Add tags with the desired tag names, creating them as project tags if they do not exist already.

# Pinning items

You can pin an item to the sidebar by clicking on the context menu icon of the item and then clicking on Pin <entity name> (e.g., Pin goal).

Pinning a goal

Once you have a pinned item you can click on it to jump directly into that resource. To remove a pinned item, click on the bin icon next to the item. You can also remove all pinned items at once by clicking on Unpin all.

Pinned items


  • Pinned items are stored on your browser storage. If you clear the browser storage, your pinned items will be reset;
  • Removing a pinned item from the list does not remove the resource from the platform.

# Get help at any point while using Virtuoso

While using Virtuoso you may need to take a peek at some of our guides and tutorials or maybe you did not need to read a guide and now you do.

By clicking on the ? help icon of the top right corner of the Virtuoso interface you can get a help panel that gives you the exact guide you are looking for (e.g., if you are creating test step it will show you the relevant documentation for creating tests steps).

Help icon

The help section will show the relevant documentation for you depending on which feature of Virtuoso you are using.

Help panel

You can also take a look at our What's new section to keep up with what's new in the platform.

What is new

If you need to reach out to a human or even to just give feedback, you can always click on the chat icon in the bottom of the panel and our team will help you through a live chat as soon as we can.


# OMNI - Your AI Guide in Virtuoso beta

OMNI is your companion in navigating Virtuoso, designed to be the helping hand you need when the documentation seems too vast. It's not just a smart feature — it's like having a friendly guide by your side, ready to offer tailored support and streamline your workflow without the need to sift through pages of instructions. With OMNI, help is always one query away, making your user experience smoother and more personal.

OMNI chat

OMNI chat prompted

# How can OMNI assist you?

After activating OMNI through the help icon, you'll be presented with a set of pre-populated questions relevant to your current activity. This instant support is designed to help you:

  • Navigate Virtuoso: Direct assistance to maneuver through the platform's functions with ease.
  • Access Information: Quickly find detailed guides and documentation.

By leveraging the context of your current page, OMNI delivers a tailored experience, ensuring the help you receive is as relevant and helpful as possible.

# Getting Started with OMNI

To engage with OMNI:

  1. Look for the help icon (?) anywhere in Virtuoso.
  2. Click to view OMNI's suggestions or ask your own question.
  3. Follow the guidance provided to enhance your use of Virtuoso.

# Tutorials overview

Multiple tutorials are available to assist you with the main tasks that can be performed from Virtuoso's Dashboard. Some depend on previous ones or on specific Core concepts presenting that information at the top. This allows you to skip directly to the task you need assistance with.


All tutorials assume that you have an account and reached the main page of the Dashboard. If you have problems reaching the main page consult Getting started or contact support for further assistance.

We suggest that the tutorials are consulted by the following order:

  1. Creating the first goal;
  2. Executing tests;
  3. Jobs activity dashboard;
  4. Journeys dashboard;
  5. Understanding the execution report;
  6. Adding a checkpoint and test step;
  7. Live authoring;
  8. Journey quality insights.
Last Updated: 5/7/2024, 9:58:28 AM